Articles in Home Maintenance

What to Know Before You Power Wash

July 9, 2021

Do you love to see a good power wash before-and-after? Check out this step-by-step power washer guide to get your home that clean! Read More »

Growing Indiana Flowers

May 24, 2021

Are you curious on how to keep your plants alive during our Indiana seasons? Learn from the Midwest flower gardening experts! Read More »

Is There a Right Way to Paint Walls?

May 7, 2021

Ready to tackle that accent wall painting project you've been planning? Check out guest blogger Abbie Perez's tips for painting walls the RIGHT way. Read More »

Spruce Up Your Shrubs and Bushes

April 21, 2021

It's time to start sprucing up your shrubs! Read these Frequently Asked Questions when it comes to how and when to prune your shrubs this spring to truly take advantage of their potential foliage. Read More »

Midwest Home Maintenance for Unpredictable Spring Weather

March 9, 2021

Having drainage issues as the snow melts? Want to make sure your lawn is ready for the warmer temperatures? M/I Homes has compiled a checklist highlighting spring home maintenance tips to make your job easier. Read More »

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