Articles by Ben Wills

What to Look for When Choosing Your First New Construction Home

December 13, 2022

Learn where to start when choosing a new home with this guide about the home building process! Read More »

Sell, Donate, Toss, Keep, or Put in Storage? Move Smarter

October 19, 2022

Trying to decide what to take with you when you move? Use this guide to decide what to sell, donate, keep, or put in storage. Read More »

Ways to Get Adjusted to a New State

September 19, 2022

Settle into your new hometown with these stress-free, easy ways to meet new people, explore local shops and restaurants, and create healthy habits. Read More »

“Help: I'm Buying a Home By Myself!”

August 29, 2022

Can a single person buy a home? Absolutely! Take these helpful tips about buying a home by yourself and achieve your dream of homeownership. Read More »

What Kind of Home Can I Afford?

July 5, 2022

Start preparing to buy a home with expert advice from M/I Financial about budget, buying power, home types, and more. Read More »

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