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Posted by Lana Hawkins in Home Maintenance
The summer heat is finally gone, and gray clouds are amassing on the horizon. As the seasonal wheel of time rolls, we have to consider what fall brings at our doorsteps and garden beds. We all know that it shows its affection in a peculiar way, pouring down rain and summoning cool winds. Thus, you should give your oasis a seasonal makeover and prevent hazards. The art of planning is paramount to making your garden ready for the picturesque advent of fall, so free up some time in your schedule and grab the gravel weeks in advance.
One of the prime concerns is getting the landscape ready to face fall. First off, turn your attention to the flower garden, because its appearance on the end of the growing season is the result of your spring and summer efforts. Then, take a stroll around the garden and access how the individual plants did. Identify those that have overgrown, and in need of additional space. If there are some bare areas, use some mulch, soil amendments, and extra plants. Most likely, the soil also craves for nutrients lost during the summer, so add some compost and peat moss.
Divide and Conquer
Apart from dividing overgrown plants, you should do the same with perennials, which supplies you with new plants for other areas of the garden. Container plants are often overlooked, but do make this common mistake: They also require care in order to survive the following months. Likewise, remember that although annual plants last a year, there are ways to prolong their lifespan. This is made possible by stripping all leaves off, except for the top ones, keeping the potting moist, and avoiding direct sunlight. Finally, move the tropicals inside, as they can serve as excellent house plants during winter.
Green Maintenance
Furthermore, deadhead faded blooms, weed, dig up more fragile bulbs, and assemble them for winter storage. Do not forget to check the health of plants and see whether some of them have fallen victim to diseases. Bear in mind that summer annuals are not fit for the weather shift, and put some cool-weather flowers like ornamental kale in their place. Also, the fall season is not the ideal time for pruning roses, so do not bother with cutting off the deadwood. At last, replace the ties with flexible, natural fibers, and once you do that, proceed to preparing the lawn.
Green Grass of Home
Note that sowing cool season grasses enables their root system to thrive and endure freezing temperatures. So, fertilize the lawn and allow turf grasses to store food for winter months. Muse on a second application of the pre-selective herbicide, which does away with seeds deposited during summer months. Unlike non-selective herbicides, these ones target specific weeds and do not damage turf grass or plants. These activities may require you invest much time, but the peerless greenery will fill you with joy during the fall season.
Get Active
Finally, know that outdoor furniture and other elements like patio and large shade sails are more vulnerable during the fall season. Still, the arrival bad weather does not mean that your outdoor activities need to suffer. Depending on your climate, fall should still give you plenty of reasons to enjoy the garden. Therefore, gardeners should consider applying a fresh coat of paint to exposed wood, and cleaning the surfaces of all that pollen and dirt. These steps should enable you to assemble a perfect natural sanctuary, which celebrates the grandeur of the cold season.
Plant the Seeds
For better or worse, summer is making room for the heralds of fall, and that changes the face of nature, including our gardens as well. Do not wait for the fall weather to take hold: It is better to do the work on a sunny day and meet a rainy one with a confident smirk on the face. So, replace the old with the new, remove the annuals and plant them next year. Put your green fingers to good use, do the regular maintenance, and makes sure the landscape is prepared for the trials and tribulations of the fall.
Lana Hawkins
Lana Hawkins is an architecture student from Sydney. She enjoys writing about interior decoration and renovation, which she does regularly for Smooth Decorator. Lana is interested in sustainability and green building, as well as landscaping.
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Lana Hawkins
Lana Hawkins is an architecture student from Sydney. She enjoys writing about interior decoration and renovation, which she does regularly for Smooth Decorator. Lana is interested in sustainability and green building, as well as landscaping.