Posted by Lana Hawkins in Home Design

Not many rooms in your home have such a huge design potential as a children’s bedroom. While living rooms and kitchens, for example, have to meet certain functional criteria and more rigid interior design rules, when decorating this room, you can often allow yourself much more creativity and freedom.

This is because you are creating a one-of-a-kind space that reflects your child’s interests and personality. So let your imagination loose and involve your kids in the process to get the perfect bedroom for them to play, learn, and dream. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

A Corner to Play

Kids will always be kids whose favorite activity is to play. Try to set up a play area for them that they will love to spend time in. It does not have to be anything pretentious—just a few toys and a colorful rug and you have already provided them endless hours of fun.

Since playing is an essential part of a child’s cognitive and motor development, make sure to add toys that promote this development, such as building blocks, puzzles, balls, or musical instruments. But limit the number of toys in order to limit the amount of mess, and put plenty of baskets and shelves in the room with labels that will help your children put the toys back to their designated place after the playing time is over. This will teach your children organization from an early age.

A Corner to Learn

Setting up a cozy reading nook is the best way to encourage your little ones to read. Just like play, reading also improves imagination and other cognitive skills, and fostering the love for reading and learning in your kids will later make school a lot less stressful for all of you.

Place a comfy chair in one corner of the room and install bookshelves at a hand’s reach, so your children could grab a book whenever they want to set out on a reading adventure.

Don’t forget a good light! To reduce eyestrain, put the reading nook close to a window and install reading lamps for bedtime reading sessions.

A Corner to Create

Playing is fun and beneficial, but creating is even more so. Let your kiddos’ creativity reach its full potential by providing them with an art station. Stack this station with crayons, markers, collage paper, watercolors, notepads, and other art supplies that will inspire them.

It is also an excellent idea to exhibit their artwork on the walls. This will lend a more personal feel to the room and make them feel proud.

Whimsical Decoration

As we have already mentioned, a child’s bedroom is not meant to impress, but rather to amuse. This gives you the freedom to incorporate colors and décor details that you would not dare to use in any other room in your home.

Wall decals are also a very popular detail in children’s bedrooms, since they are both effective and practical. If you are not artistic enough to paint a mural on your own, decals will do the job, and you can take them down easily once your kids outgrow them.

Wallpapers have also made a comeback. The colors and patterns of kids' wallpaper are entirely up to your child’s preferences. You can also use leftovers from other rooms to make wallpaper collages.

If you have not tried washi tape, you have to do it now. The things you can achieve with just a few rolls will leave you speechless. Besides, the tape is usually made of natural and recyclable materials like bamboo, hemp, tree bark, and rice, so it is completely child-friendly.

Your children will love and appreciate their personal space however you arrange it. Just keep in mind that safety comes first. So taking all measures of precaution should be your primary concern, especially if your kids are still toddlers.


Lana Hawkins


Lana Hawkins is an architecture student from Sydney. She enjoys writing about interior decoration and renovation, which she does regularly for Smooth Decorator. Lana is interested in sustainability and green building, as well as landscaping.

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