Posted by Bruce Borden in M/I Homes Culture

​At M/I Homes, we care from the beginning of each interaction with a customer through to the very end. Customer Care is more than a customer service department—it’s our company culture.

​Unique to our industry, the M/I Homes Customer Care Manager is an advocate serving as a key link in the process of building great homes, ensuring top customer satisfaction. These advocates maintain contact while holding the customer’s hand, listening, sharing information, and smiling (a lot).

​Caring for the customer is a commitment. That commitment is to treat the customer right.

​It is the first and last chance we have to make a difference.

​We build homes, not houses.

​Because home means more to M/I, I asked several of our Customer Care Managers how they go above and beyond to care for our new homebuyers and their homeownership journeys.

When our homeowners first move in, there’s a lot that goes into making their new home theirs. What advice would you give new homeowners on their first night spent in their new homes?

  • Glen H., Minneapolis: “You’re home now. Relax and sleep sound. There will be more to do tomorrow but the biggest step is done.”
  • Virginia T., Tampa: “Keep it simple: use an overnight bag, and enjoy the experience in your new home.”
  • Patrick A., Chicago: “Relax, take it all in, know M/I Homes’ Customer Care is here for you.”
  • Tina O., Houston: “Celebrate! Enjoy the moment.”
  • Amber H., Sarasota: “Unpack the essentials, take a walk and meet your neighbors, enjoy the neighborhood.”
  • Becky H., Minneapolis: “Bring something personal so it feels like home for both adults and children.”

If you could summarize your favorite aspect of being a part of our homeowners’ home buying experience, what would that be?

  • Virginia T., Tampa: “Educating the customer in homeowner maintenance, use and care tips, features and benefits of what their home is made of.”
  • Michael W., Austin: “I like the helping, post-close, with the warranty concerns and the other courtesy roles we get to play.”
  • Patrick A., Chicago: “Helping, being able to help, making any situation right, as they arise.”
  • Tina O., Houston: “Providing the WOW! experience, the quality, and the people.”
  • Sergio F., Austin: “I try to make you happy, to love your home. I try to provide a sense that I am here for you.”
  • Kevin D., Orlando: “Being able to make the customer more comfortable. Let them know they can count on me.”

Homeowners have a lot to learn when it comes to maintaining and taking care of all of the parts of their new homes. What role do you play in making that learning process easier for them?

  • Virginia T., Tampa: “I demonstrate hands on, physically show the customer what or what not to do.”
  • Patrick A., Chicago: “Maintenance can be overwhelming. I show them, educate them, how to maintain their home.”
  • Amber H., Sarasota: “I review the Customer Care Manual, to be used as a reference guide. Get comfortable with it, and address what is different with an M/I Home than any one they have owned before.”
  • Becky H., Minneapolis: “I ask if they owned a home before or if they have built a home before. Then I can gauge the customer’s knowledge and level of experience, establish a starting point. I always ask, ‘What else do you have questions on?’”

As an M/I Customer Care Manager, how do you seek to make our homeowners’ experience Better?

  • Glen H. in Minneapolis: “’I can help you out with that!’ That simple phrase seems to put their mind at peace and know their concern will be addressed.”
  • Virginia T., Tampa: “I empathize with the customer. Try to see any issue from their perspective.”
  • Tina O., Houston: “I try to create an emotional connection so the customer feels cared for. We find common ground.”
  • Sergio F., Austin: “My goal is to attack any customer list and complete asap, to diminish the customer’s time at home away from their jobs, to maximize their convenience.”
  • Mike M., Detroit: “I prefer to meet in person, to call instead of email. I want them to feel comfortable with me. I tell them to call me anytime.”

What’s one thing you wish you were told as a new homeowner?

  • Glen H. in Minneapolis: “I tell homeowners all the time to take ownership of your home. I will help with ideas, but I do not have all the answers either.”
  • Tina O., Houston: “Own the home. Care for it.”
  • Kevin D., Orlando: “The home will not take care of itself. Don’t wait until something goes wrong to actively provide maintenance.”

​Your questions are important. We are here for you. We’ll always treat you right. We truly care for you and your new home.

​Reach out to any member of our team today to learn what it’s like to experience Better with M/I Homes.


Bruce Borden


Bruce has been with M/I Homes for over 20 years, has been the National Customer Experience Manager for over 10 years, and has been in the home building industry for over 30 years. Happily married and a proud father, Bruce enjoys outdoor activities and home improvement projects, and has never met someone he didn't like.

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