Posted by Bruce Borden in Home Maintenance

​Home organization feels great when it’s complete, but the process to get there can be daunting. Don’t worry, we’re back again with tips and tricks to help.

​When it comes to decluttering and organizing your space it’s critical to have a plan of action. This way even the biggest of home organization projects can be taken in steps.

Check out some of our steps below to get your home in tip-top organized shape!

Step #1: Start Small

​Feeling overwhelmed? Only have 30 minutes available? The biggest step of all: start small!

​You don’t have to organize your whole house (or even an entire closet) in one sitting. The key is to start with smaller areas of your home and work your way around your home.

​For example, try starting with a small linen closet, or under the sink in the kitchen or bathroom.

​This helps for a few reasons. One, starting with a small space can be a way to slowly move throughout your home; and two, as you go, you’re creating spaces for overflow from bigger areas.

Step #2: Remove the Clutter & Clean

​Once you have decided on a space to start with, remove everything. Even the items you want to keep should be removed. We want to be able to get a clear idea of everything that is currently there so that we can review and sort for what actually belongs and what needs to be moved or thrown away.

Bonus Tip - Start Fresh: Take this as a perfect opportunity to deep clean since everything is removed (and it's probably the first time in a while you have been able to really get into all those corners).

Step #3: Sort into Three Piles: Keep, Toss, and Donate

​After you have cleaned the space and everything is removed, it’s time to start sorting.

​Our recommendation is to work off of three piles: Keep, Toss, and Donate.

Bonus Tip - Ask Questions: The “keep” pile doesn’t always mean keeping those items in the space you found them. Ask yourself:

  1. How often you use the item?
  2. Does it belong here, or would it be best stored somewhere else?

Step #4: Beautify Your Newly Organized Space

​If you’re anything like us, this can be the toughest part and you may be asking yourself, What’s the best way to organize all of my stuff in the space, and keep it that way?

​Start with like items. For example, first aid products, bath products, cleaning items, scarves, jewelry, bags, etc. Then, utilize items like baskets and bins (they seriously come in all sizes, shapes, and styles) for both a neat and visually pleasing way to store and keep similar products arranged.

​Coordinated spaces not only allow for easy access, but also allow for simple inventory management.

Bonus Tip - Staying Organized: Using baskets, bins, and other methods to store your like items helps to keep you on track. No more throwing items just anywhere; having the designated space (within a space) keeps you more on track with your day-to-day usage!

​Home organization is the time investment that keeps on giving.

​Once organized, your space comes to life. You’ll have more room, be able to identity inventory levels for frequently used items, and, probably the best part of all: you’re able to open your closets without fear of overflow falling out.

​How do you keep your home organized?


Bruce Borden


Bruce has been with M/I Homes for over 20 years, has been the National Customer Experience Manager for over 10 years, and has been in the home building industry for over 30 years. Happily married and a proud father, Bruce enjoys outdoor activities and home improvement projects, and has never met someone he didn't like.

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